A Life in Process offers opportunities to heal

Clear your path, and experience peace - whatever your reality

Client-Centered Healing

Relax muscles and mind

Alleviate pain

Reduce stress & anxiety

Enhance quality of being


Gentle, safe sessions:

Enhance life when it's flourishing

Encourage you when you’re stuck

Support you during the darkness

Open up possibilities for something more

Investigate mysteries

Alleviate physical, emotional, or spiritual pain

I can support you with client-centered healing grounded in an integrated skill set of expertise.  My lifetime of experience and a wholistic approach to healing complements conventional health care.

With respect and compassion I honour where you are. With hope, gentleness and loving kindness I guide you along your path, transforming fears, pain, disease, and grief into a healing process. Feelings of joy may begin to emerge and then flourish. We work together towards your finding an inner peace and the grace of living with equanimity.          -- Robin