Imagine relaxing comfortably, listening to gentle music and a guided meditation. Essentially, the Virtual Gastric Band Program involves 4 sessions, approximately an hour each, of easy listening.
The process is gentle, safe, relaxing, and even enjoyable. I felt wonderful after each session; one of my friends actually slept through most of the sessions and continues to have fabulous results.
The brilliance of the VGB program is enabling you to believe your stomach now has a gastric band, which limits your food intake. Thus, you truly learn to feel comfortable with smaller portions of food.
While the process sounds too good to be true, there are, in my mind a couple of necessary prerequisites: your are truly ready to let go of your weight; and you are willing to suspend disbelief and allow the process to work. Going through the process with a friend and/or a person you live with also seems to enhance one’s success.
From the beginning I loved the fact that I didn’t have to think about what foods I had to give up. There were no rules. In fact, one of the major bonuses for me, continues to be not thinking about food constantly: I actually have a healthy relationship with food now. Anyone reading this with issues around food and weight knows what I am talking about. Trust me, it is possible!
There is one additional element to the VGB program: to support the weekly sessions, it is recommended you listen to the 10 minute guided meditation that is given to you at the first session daily for the 28 days you are in the program. I must admit this has become a daily ritual for me, nearly a year later; one that is totally pleasurable.
Sheila Granger, developed the VGB program in the UK, and conducted her first medically supervised double blind trial in 2009 with a 95% success rate. Sheila’s Program is now offered literally around the world, with the numbers of documented and anecdotal successes growing exponentially.